We transfer from Klaipeda and to Klaipeda after the flight

Regular services

Scheduled buses to airports

Individual Transfers

Individual transfers to airports

Poss.Home Pick-ups (Klaipeda)

Pick-ups from Home

Connection to Regional Airports

If you are flying from any remote airport, a smooth and fast connection to the airport is your priority. We are here to help you. We transport to regional airports: Vilnius, Kaunas, Riga, Palanga.

Find the airport you need and book your trip. Everything else is our business.


Bus Connections

Klaipeda Vilnius, Vilnius Klaipeda, Klaipeda Kaunas, Kaunas Klaipeda, Klaipeda Riga, Riga Klaipeda.

Opportunities to travel to airports from other cities:

Possible stops on the way Klaipeda – Riga – Klaipeda:

Gargždai, Plungė, Telšiai, Mažeikiai, Naujoji Akmenė ir Akmenė.

Possible stops on the way to Kaunas Airport and Vilnius Airport:

Gargždai – motorway 58 km, petrol station Trevena

Laukuva – Šilalė highway viaduct

Kryžkalnispetrol station Orlen

Karpynė – way to Raseiniai, petrol station Cinkiškiai

Kaunas: Cirkle K near PC Mega, Cirkle K Murava

Vilnius Airport Express

Klaipeda – Vilnius – Klaipeda

Kaunas Airport Express

Klaipeda – Kaunas – Klaipeda

Riga Airport Express

Klaipeda – Riga – Klaipeda

Palanga Airport Express

Klaipeda – Palanga – Klaipeda